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Transition Count Report

The Transition Count report shows how many times a Work Item has moved between all states in the workflow.

  1. Choose the Transition Count report.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-17 о 00.15.59.png
  1. Filter by the Query you need.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-17 о 00.16.32.png
  1. Choose the date ranges for the data calculation.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-16 о 22.17.51-20240616-191757.png
  1. Choose a time format type that will be represented on the grid.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-16 о 22.19.08-20240616-191913.png
  1. Get the transition count data on the grid as it’s shown below.

    For example, the Work Item was in the Active state, then moved to the Resolved state. So, the transition count between Active and Resolved states is 1. Then the Work Item moved to other states and after a while, the Work Item returned to the Active state and then moved back to Resolved. So the transition count between Active and Resolved states is 2.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-17 о 00.19.23.png

The calculation of the report on the Chart view occurs according to the selected period. The transition count report calculates the number of transitions between states for the Work Items in the chosen period.

Don't forget that you can export reports in .xlsx and .csv formats.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-17 о 00.15.14-20240616-211520.png

💡 Key Insights of Report:

  • Transition Frequency Analysis: The report tracks the number of times issues transition between statuses, offering a high-level view of how dynamic your workflow is and identifying areas where excessive transitions might indicate inefficiencies.

  • Team Performance Indicators: The number of transitions can provide insights into how effectively teams are progressing tasks. High transition counts may indicate areas where additional training or process refinement is needed.

  • Bottleneck Identification: The report helps you identify bottlenecks where issues may be getting stuck or repeatedly transitioning back and forth, enabling you to address these pain points and keep work moving forward.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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