How to calculate time in state for each assignee’s work items?
🤔 Context: A project manager needs to track the progress and productivity of individual team members by generating reports on their assigned work items.
🌧️ User Problem: As a project manager, I need a way to generate reports that show the work items assigned to specific team members and the time they spend in various states. This helps in monitoring individual productivity and managing workloads effectively.
☔ Solution: Use the Time in State for Azure DevOps to generate detailed reports for individual team members. Here’s how:
First, create and save the appropriate Query - select all work items in which the assignee is one team member.
Next, go to the Time in State for Azure DevOps extension and select this Query to generate the report.
You get a report explicitly generated for a particular assignee; you can see what work items they have been working on and their state time.
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