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Business Process Manager Home

Welcome to the Business Process Manager!

Here you can find the official documentation about the Business Process Manager Add-on.

There are lots of processes in each company. Moreover, everything that happens in the world is a process. The more routine the process is (the more often it repeats), the more it needs automation. The automation of processes leads to positive results in the company’s work:

  • Reducing workload;

  • No need to perform the work inside the particular process a few times, redo (edit) documentation, or make changes on the go;

  • Identifying process bottlenecks and their reasons easily.

Key Features:

  • Collect and manage all organization activities in one place;

  • Standardize your typical business processes;

  • Reduce time for routine tasks;

  • Get transparent monitoring of the business process performance.


Example of the process - Employee Onboarding Checklist


Learn more about process-building in BPM in our video guide.

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