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Schedule a process

In BPM, you can automate the execution of a recurring process, whether it needs to run weekly, on a specific day of the month, or once a year. By scheduling your workflow, you can save a considerable amount of time and ensure that you and your team don't miss a deadline for a specific process. Additionally, you can pre-schedule a one-time workflow for a specific event at a predetermined date and time.

Instruction on how to schedule a process run step-by-step

  1. Go to Templates, hover over the needed Process, and click on the Clock icon.

  2. Set rules for repeating the process. You can schedule the initiation of processes on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis, starting from a specified day and ending on a particular date, after a set number of occurrences, or indefinitely.

    1. If you don’t edit the Process name pattern, it will always create a Process with its name including the start date and start time for more understanding of when the process started and at what time it was created. Of course, you can change this name to your own but remember that it will be the same for every recurrence.

      Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 19.33.36.png
    2. Confirm the settings to save your scheduling.

    3. To change or delete scheduling settings, go to the Schedule Start and first Dismiss all settings. Save changes, and set up schedules from the beginning.

  3. When you add a schedule to the process, the Clock icon will be shown on the process line in the Grid.

  4. Once the scheduled day and time come, the process will be created.

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