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How to start the Process based on the HubSpot deal stage change using Zapier?

First of all, make sure, your Template is up to date and sets properly.

  1. Open a Template additional menu and activate Start URL. Get more details here - Template URLs | How-to-get-Template-View-&-Edit-or-Template-Start-URL?

  2. Open Zapier and set all the necessary details to automate the process:

  • Connect your HubSpot to Zapier;

  • Select the “New Deal in a stage in HubSpot“ Trigger;

  • Select the Pipeline and Stage that you want to monitor; (e.g.: Stage - Won).

  • Select “Webhooks by Zapier“ as the action;

  • Select “Get“ as the action event;

  • Add the Template Start URL (1st item) in a“Set up action“ part;

  • In “Query String Params“ add a “name” attribute and select “Dealname“.

This is not a required item, however it will allow you to start new process with HubSpot Deal name in the Process name.

3. Test it in Zapier and make sure the new Process is started in BPM.

4. When your HubSpot Deal is moved to Won, the BPM Process will start immediately.

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