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Form Builder - Form elements & Content elements


  1. Form & Content element settings table

  2. Instruction on how to set up Form & Content elements settings

Form & Content elements settings table

Use Form elements and Content blocks to build the most useful form for filling out. Here are some settings for each element so that you can make it more convenient for your needs.

Form elements

Element name

Using and purpose


Single-line text input

Use it for inputting short text such as names, surnames, locations, and mobile phone numbers.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Characters limit settings.

  • Destination issue field: all text fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Text field.


Use it for entering website addresses or links.

Numeric element

Use it for numeric inputs such as quantities, ages, or prices

Multi-line text input

Use it for multiple lines of text or detailed explanations

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Characters limit settings.

  • Destination issue field: all text fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Text area.


Radio buttons

Use it for selecting a single option from a predefined list.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text setting.

  • Adding custom options to the list.

  • Destination issue field: all text and label type fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User provides the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Dropdown or Radio fields.

Multi choice,


Use it for selecting multiple options from a predefined list.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Adding custom options to the list.

  • Destination issue field: all text and label type fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Multi choice or Check list.

  • Create dynamic form using Form Logic


Use it for selecting a specific date from the date picker as release dates, hire dates, etc.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Destination issue field: all date type fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Date fields.

Date and Time

Use it for selecting a specific date and time from the date picker the date and time picker as specifying meeting times or client visit schedules.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Destination issue field: all date and time type fields are available to set the field submission result.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Date & Time fields.


Use it to provide the ability to users to upload multiple files to the form.

E.g: Uploading quotes for expenses approval.

Once uploaded, documents will be added to the Issues attachments.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Field label and Help text settings.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to Attach files.

To-do item

Use it to capture and track specific tasks or actions that require completion.

  • Response required: yes, no.

  • Adding custom options to the list.

  • Related URL. The User can provide the URL that will help to get more information on how to submit the Action Item.

Content elements

Element name

Using and purpose



Use it to emphasize and visually distinguish sections within a form.

Max - 250 characters

Paragraph text box

Use it for the inclusion of additional information or specific instructions within a form.

Max - 2000 characters.

Embedded content

Use it to upload multimedia content directly to the form.

Add Website, YouTube videos or images URL.

Horizontal Line

Use it as a visual separator between different form elements.

Instruction on how to set up Form & Content elements

  1. Build the form for step using typical Form elements and content blocks. Simply drag&drop elements to the Form workspace.

  2. Press on the gear icon to open the element settings. Add a label to the name field (it would be your question text). Also, add other settings you need.

  3. Press the Close button to confirm your changes and then save the template.

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