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Efficient Business Day-Based Due Date Calculation using Jira Automation and Business Process Manager

This guide provides a comprehensive guide on how to leverage the powerful combination of Jira Automation and Business Process Manager to seamlessly calculate and set due dates for tasks exclusively on business days. By following these instructions, you can ensure accurate and efficient due date management, enhancing your team's productivity and project schedule.


Before proceeding with the integration, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Use cases

The documented approach can be applied in various scenarios, including but not limited to:

  • Project Management: Efficiently managing project timelines, milestones, and dependencies.

  • Service Desk: Ensuring timely resolution of customer requests while meeting SLAs.

  • Agile Development: Facilitating sprint planning and ensuring tasks are completed within iterations.

Instruction on how to set issue Due Date including only Business days

a. Building a Template in Business Process Manager:

  1. Open the Business Process Manager add-on and create a new process template.

  2. Configure Template Steps (Jira Issues).

b. Setting up Automation Rules in Jira:

  1. Go to your Jira project settings and access the Automation section.

  2. Create a new rule for the project where issues will be created.

  3. Configure the rule to activate when issues are generated through the Business Process Manager reporter.

  4. Calculate the due date for tasks exclusively considering business days. Utilize the following rule for dynamic due date calculation: {{now.plusBusinessDays(5)}}. The value within the brackets will be dynamically computed and applied to the issue field upon the creation of the issue by the Business Process Manager.

c. Deployment and Execution: Once the process template starts and the Jira issue creates it will have a predefined Due Date field that calculates only business days.

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