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Define tasks in email with the Jira in Chrome extension

For the most part, Gmail's inbox looks like a collection of emails, where it's very difficult to distinguish the important ones at first glance. Even if we use different labels to structure our incoming mail, it still won't solve the problem of chaos.

Define issues in email with the Email&Tasks extension for Chrome

We have developed functionality that allows you to detect the presence of a task in emails and display its name, type, and status. You don't need to open the email. You can see it on the Gmail start screen and focus on what you need immediately.

Just install the extension from the Chrome Webstore, log in with your Jira account, and enjoy all the benefits!

Read more: Get started - Google Chrome Extension: Jira in Chrome

As a reminder, Gmail extensions and add-ons are a package deal, and if you pay for , you can use both convenient add-ons! The apps are free for teams of up to 10 users. There is also a 30-day trial period to make sure the tool meets your needs. Enjoy!

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