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Configuration of Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail (Atlassian Marketplace & Google Workspace Marketplace add-ons)

Using Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail, you can do the following:

Convert email into Jira task

Choose “AI-GENERATED.” 2 clicks – and every field will be filled automatically.

Create Jira task from your Gmail

Select “ADD NEW ISSUE.” Here you can type or copy-paste any value.

You can include email content and attachments if needed.

EDIT any issue field.



LOG TIME you worked on an issue

Insert issue link in an email draft

Use Chrome browser or Safari as the default on the mobile version of “Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail” for a successful experience in our add-on.

Be sure to install the extension for the Chrome browser. With it, the functionality of the application is revealed even more. You can download using this link.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at .

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