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Time in Status Jira Data Center

Time in Status makes it simple to generate reports that show how much time each issue has spent on each status. When planning a workflow, time is one of the first things we consider. We predict how long it will take to complete a task based on its complexity and resource capacity and then set delivery deadlines. 

🚀 Get Started with Time in Status

Identify bottlenecks in your process — follow our step-by-step guide to install Time in Status for Jira.
Then configure your work calendars and set permissions.

🔍 Useful resources

If you have already installed add-on, check:

🔦 More Help

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🗓 Request a demo call

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us at SaaSJet Support or via email at

Haven’t worked with the add-on yet? Give it a try

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