Status Count Report
The Status Count report shows how many times an issue has been in a specific status during the selected time frame.
This report can help answer several essential questions, including:
How often do issues get stuck in a particular status?
Which statuses are most frequently used?
Are there any statuses that are rarely used?
How many times does an issue typically transition between statuses?
How does the status count vary across different projects or teams?
How does the status count change over time?
Choose the Status Count report;

Filter by the category you need;

Choose the date range for the data calculation;

Get all the Status Count data on the grid as shown below.
The calculation of the report on the Grid occurs according to the selected period. The Status Count report calculates how much time an issue has moved to each workflow status during the particular period.
For example, the task was in the Backlog status (1 time), then moved to the On Hold status, and after some time, the task returned to the Backlog status(+1 time). So, the status count for this task is 2 in the Backlog status.

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