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Configuration of Time in Status Data Center

1. Go to the installed add-on

In the menu with Jira settings, click the Time in Status add-on to open it.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-19 о 08.37.25.png

2. Manage Permissions

To configure the Access Setting, go to the Permissions page.


3. Manage Calendars

Here, you can manage your Calendars for different teams.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-18 о 23.48.22.png

4. Support

If you need help, get all of the information about the add-on at the Documentation or choose Request a FeatureReport a Bug, and Get support in the configuration menu.

Знімок екрана 2024-06-19 о 08.40.50.png

Haven’t worked with the add-on yet? Give it a try

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