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Time Between Statuses for Jira Cloud

Сalculate the time issues spend when going from one status to another with Time Between Statuses add-on. Monitor and avoid risks in your workflow process by having a clear vision of task’s transition time.

  • Get reports of the transition time from one status to another

  • Customize the calculation by choosing the first/last transition to or from the status

  • Monitor status to status duration data about each ticket on the Issue View Panel

  • Export data as XLSX or CSV files and use such external tools as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheet.


Get Started with Time Between Statuses

Identify bottlenecks in your process — follow our step-by-step guide to install and get started with Time Between Statuses.
Get inspired by Use Cases:


Useful resources

If you have already installed Time Between Statuses, read the Configuration Guide on how to use features.

Most commonly used features:


More Help

Haven’t found the answers to your questions? Check the FAQ - most likely the information you need is there.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us at SaaSJet Support or via email at

Learn more about process-building in BPM in our video guide

Keep track every issue with Time Between Statuses

Haven’t worked with the add-on yet? Give it a try
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