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Tracking Status Transitions in Jira with an Issue View Panel

Users of the Time Between Statuses add-on can monitor status to status duration data about each ticket on each issue view tab.

Just choose Time Between Statuses in the Activity drop-down menu. Get both graphical and numerical data at the single issue view panel.

The white line represents current progress - the issue movement with respect to time limits. The color segments are the time intervals the task passes through: green - accepted time, yellow - warning time, and red - critical limit.

To get the detail numerical data, click the white line.

In the issue view tab users can choose one of the status groups created before in the app’s configuration manager.

Also, there is a drop-down menu available for selection the metrics type (Business Decimal Days, Business Decimal Weeks, Decimal Days, Decimal Hours, Minutes).

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email

Haven't used this add-on yet, then try it now! >>>

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