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Calculating the Last Time Spent in a Jira Issue Status

📝 Context: Understanding how much time tasks spend in the "In Progress" status is impartant for monitoring progress and managing productivity.

🤔 User Problem: You need to configure Jira to track the time spent in the "In Progress" status, especially when tasks repeatedly transition into this status during the workflow. Without this setup, it’s difficult to gauge the actual time spent on tasks, leading to potential inefficiencies and mismanaged expectations.

💡 Solution:

To effectively track the time spent in the "In Progress" status, follow these steps:

  1. Add new status group

There are two ways to do this:

1 — The first method involves using the Configuration button. This approach is particularly useful for modifying existing Status groups.

To add a new statuses group, click Configuration

Знімок екрана 2024-10-20 о 15.34.11.png

Click + Time metric

Знімок екрана 2024-10-20 о 15.35.01.png

2 —The second way is to create group statuses on the grid.

Click on the Time Metrics button in the upper right corner of the table to configure the conditions necessary to calculate a particular time metric.

Знімок екрана 2024-10-20 о 14.48.34.png

2. To make a repeated countdown with the “In Progress” status, you need to use 'the last transition to' condition, and for stopping -  to put on the status in which the task passes after In progress status based on your workflow (also in  'last transition to').

Знімок екрана 2024-10-20 о 16.29.40.png

Click to Save and you will be all set!

Don’t waste time and improve your working process as soon as possible. Time Between Statuses and its functions will definitely help you with it! 

📈 Outcomes:

  • Accurate Time Tracking: You'll get detailed insights into the duration tasks spend in the "In Progress" phase, even with multiple entries, which will help you keep a close eye on progress.

  • Better Workflow Management: Improved time tracking enables you to spot inefficiencies and fine-tune your workflow, ensuring tasks flow seamlessly through the pipeline.

  • Boosted Productivity: Knowing how much time is dedicated to "In Progress" aids in allocating resources and prioritizing tasks, leading to a more productive team overall.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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