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Time & Cost Tracker for Jira Home

🚀 Welcome to Time & Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud

Cost management tool to track project or company budget.

Key Features:

  • Secure: Manage access and safeguard your sensitive financial data.

  • Flexible: Set hourly and billing rates with effective dates. Plan and track direct expenses, and stay within budget.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed cost reports for any scope and period. Visualize your data with insightful charts.

  • Customizable: Filter by project, epic, user, and more. Integrate your custom fields into reports.

  • Time Tracking: Track time spent on issues, monitor planned time for on-time delivery, and generate detailed time reports.

  • Seamless Integration: Manage costs directly within Jira issues. Integrate with Tempo and Jira worklogs. Get cost data via API for use in PowerBI, EazyBi, and other tools.

🔦 Need More Help?

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If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at .

Request a demo call: See Cost Tracker in action!

Gain full visibility into your project costs with Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud

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