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Installation of Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud

Like all add-ons at the Atlassian Marketplace, Cost Tracker is set in two ways:

  •  from the Atlassian Marketplace;

  •  from the Jira admin page.

Installation from the Atlassian Marketplace

1. Type "Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud" in the "Search the Marketplace" field.

2. Find the Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud add-on by SaaSJet in the search results.

3. Press on the "Try it free" or "Subscribe now" buttons.

4. Select your site on to install the add-on, then click "Start a free trial".

5. You're all set!👍

Installation from the Jira admin page

1. First, click the Apps menu and go to the Find new add-ons page.

2. Type "Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud" by SaaSJet in the search box and then click it.

3. Click "Free trial" or "Subscribe now" to download and install the app.

4. You're all set! 👍

For more details about canceling and uninstalling an app, please visit the App Subscriptions: Cancellation, Uninstalls, Refund & Renewal FAQ page.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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