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Configuration of Google Chrome Extension Issue Creator for Jira Cloud - Capture screen&Annotate

Using the Issue Creator extension you can:

1 - Create tasks in any Jira project (Jira Product Discovery, Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management).

2 - Create any type of issue.

3 - Save time. You fill in the description, and TaskCompose generates the summary for you.

4 - The extension supports the configuration of all custom fields.

5 - By checking the Create Similar box, you can create tasks faster, as the extension will "remember" your last settings of previously created issues.

6 - Attach files.

7 - Take screenshots and send them instantly to the issue.

8 - Page Marker tool allows you to add annotations to screenshots.

9 - The Text content edit mode tool allows you to make changes to the text of a web page while preserving the styles.

10 - Link Page Content - attach your Jira tasks to specific areas of the web page.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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