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Set up your SLA | Data Center

Watch our video to set up the configurator quickly, or use the text documentation version.

Go to the SLA configuration menu to create a new SLA timer or edit an existing one.

SLA settings

If you need some instructions or tips on how to set up SLA, you can follow the instructions from our Step by step SLA Wizard to understand how to work with SLA Time and Report. Our wizard will help you to set up an SLA step by step. To use this option, first of all, click “SLA Manager” and afterward click the “Setup Wizard” button.

Note: if you are a new user, you will meet our Wizard as soon as you open the SLA configuration menu for the first time. It will show up automatically.

Follow the steps shown by our Wizard to create your SLA.

Or just click the “+Add new” button to start creating a new SLA config.

Select what type of SLA Goal you want to use for a new SLA config. It can be based on a time limit or a negotiated date (read more here).


After that, you can configure other parameters for the new SLA config:

  1. Name

  2. Project

  3. Calendar

  4. Start/Pause/Stop conditions

  5. SLA Reset

  6. Multi-Cycle option

  7. SLA Goals settings with automated actions

Pay attention that Pause condition, First/Multi-cycle options and SLA Reset are disabled for SLA configs with the negotiated date.

SLA Manager DC.png

At Start/Stop/Pause conditions, you can choose standard and custom issue fields, which are used by your team for each project.

Further, you can add conditions for SLA Reset and select the Multi-Cycle option to get the cumulative sum of all cycles' duration between origin and end statuses. 

At the SLA goals setting menu, you can specify SLA goals (time limit or negotiated date) and choose the Flexible SLA Context for exceeded issues:

Goal panel.png

After setting, you need to save all configurations.

Also, on the left side menu, you can see a list of SLAs and Work schedules, configured before. You can add the new ones, copy or delete them. Read more about how to set Work schedules here.

Read more about the main SLA configuration points:

And about SLA time reporting:

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email

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