Accessing Time Metrics Tracker in Your Jira
The Time Metrics Tracker app isn't just a reporting tool; it's a versatile tool you can access from anywhere in your Jira. Let's take a closer look at all these locations and features.
Reporting app
Select the installed add-on from the list in the Apps tab of the top menu.

The app will open with all its features for reporting, tracking/config time metrics, managing and creating work schedules, and visualizing time distribution based on time metrics using a histogram chart.

Issue Activity Tab
Users of the Time Metrics Tracker add-on can monitor status to status duration data about each ticket on each issue activity tab.
Just choose Time Between Statuses in the Activity drop-down menu. Get both graphical and numerical data at the single issue view panel.
The white line represents current progress—the issue movement with respect to time limits. The color segments are the time intervals the task passes through: green represents the accepted time, yellow represents the warning time, and red represents the critical limit.

Dashboard Gadgets
Agile Metrics Gadget – the tool that lets you monitor customized time metrics reports from the app on the Jira dashboard. The gadget supports Jira dark mode.
Export Jira Data and Reports
Export Time Metrics Tracker data as XLSX or CSV files and analyze it using Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email
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