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Automated actions

SLA time goals setting lets you set time limits for each SLA configuration and choose the Exceeded actions for issues:

  • notifying users in comments or via Slack;

  • changing assignee;

  • changing priority;

  • changing status.

If you want to notify users about exceeded issues in comments, you can choose an option to notify one user (individual) or a group of users in comments about exceeded issues.

And in case you want to notify users about exceeded issues via Slack, configure sending such reminders according to the instructions here.

If you wish to change the text for notifications and create your own — use the Template editor.

It works just for Notify user in comment of issues or Notify via Slack channel and only appears when you have selected one of these options.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through SaaSJet Support or via email

Haven't used this add-on yet, then try it now!

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