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Integration with Slack

To integrate your SLA Time and Report for Jira add-on with Slack, first of all, you need to create a webhook URL for your Slack. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to and click the “Create an App” button.

2. Choose the “From scratch option” and add all elements you need to the app manually.

3. Type the App Name and select a workspace to develop your app in.

4. Go to Incoming Webhooks to get the ability to post messages from the third-party add-ons into Slack.

5. Activate Incoming Webhooks with the toggle button.

6. Then click the “Add new webhook to Workspace” option.

7. Choose a Slack channel where the notifications will be posted, and click “Allow” button..

8. Click Copy to add this webhook to your workspace to activate it.

Now you can get the Slack notifications in a few simple steps:

  1. Open SLA Time and Report add-on and go to the SLA Manager.

  2. Create a new SLA Configuration and choose the conditions you need.

  3. Define time goals and choose the “Notify via Slack” option.

  4. Paste the webhook URL you have according to the tips from above.

  5. Get notifications about the task in your Slack.

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