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Welcome to HR: Employee User Profile for Jira Cloud

Control and modify additional employee fields with HR: Employee User Profile add-on without leaving the Jira system.

HR: Employee User Profile Main Features:

  • creating powerful user profiles in the single Jira source to speed up colleagues’ communications without interrupting the work process;

  • searching for the required Employees by key parameters in a standard table;

  • storing important information in one place for quick access to the information you need;

  • two ways for adding Employees to the add-on:

Auto Import

Manual Import


  • Selecting people from a group and adding many Employees in a few clicks;

  • No manual input;

  • Saving time;

  • Add-on will automatically place the Employee's Name and Surname.


  • Impossibility to select one Employee, only a group. 


  • Control of the entire process for each Employee;

  • Choosing the Employee you need, not a group of Employees.


  • Wasting of time - adding occurs a long period, especially a large number of Employees.

Want to make auto import of Employees

Want to make manual import of Employees

! Our Add-on works only with existing Jira users and does not store information to third-party services.

If you need any help or have questions, please contact us at SaaSJet Support or via email

Haven't used this add-on yet? So, try it now! >>>

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