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How to sync Jira users to HR: Employee User Addon

Store, Monitor and Manage all Employees data in one place.

Go to the installed add-on

Find the installed Employee User Profile add-on below the Jira settings menu below the Jira App settings menu and click it to start using.


1. Transfer your Employees from Jira to Employee User Profile.

Click the "Add new user" button.

The add-on allows you to work only with existing Jira users.

2. Select the Employee

In the Jira users dropdown menu you can choose the user you want to add to the add-on.

3. Start typing the user's first or last name

Jira user basic data will be automatically copied to the add-on - First name, Last name, Public name.

Later you can fill in additional information in the advanced fields in the sections.

Advanced fields

You will find Personal info, Contacts, Employee, Inventory, Notes among the advanced fields in the sections.

To use them, fill in the blank fields in the Personnel section. After that, you can add extended information about the Employee for the selected section at your request.

  • Personal info

Save personal information of the Employee (name, date of birth, information about children, department where he works, organization and location).

  • Contacts

3 types of phones (work, home, phone in case of problems and threats to life (for example, relatives), information about the popular messenger - Viber, Facebook, WhatsApp.

  • Employee

Here you can define:

  1. Employee type - active, inactive;

  2. The status of the Employee, depending on the format of working hours - works permanently, partially, freelancer, consultant, or intern;

  3. Position and job description;

  4. Location;

  5. Chief and substitute member;

  6. Work experience (software and hard skills).

  • Inventory

Information about material things assigned to the Employee and their movement during work history.

  • Notes

Additional section for notes if you haven't found the section you want. For example, a link to a contract, terms of work, etc.

4. Additional information

  • At the drop-down ‘Setting’ box (available on the top right corner as a 3 dots) user can select ‘Documentation’‘Our plugin’‘Request a Feature’,  ‘Report a Bug’ and ‘Submit a support ticket’

  • Inside the add-on, you can find the required user using the search bar:

Haven't used this add-on yet? Then, try it now! >>>

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