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Populate options from issue field

Populate options from the issue field allow populating form elements like dropdowns, checkboxes, multi-choice, or radio buttons with predefined values from a Jira issue field. This means that the options available in these form elements can be automatically filled in based on the values stored in a specific Jira issue field. This simplifies the process of configuring form elements by automatically providing relevant choices from the associated Jira data.


  1. Population of options is available for such form elements: Dropdown, Multi choice, Checkboxes, and Radio buttons.

  2. The user who fills out the form will see all the values of the selected issue field in the element's form selection options.

  3. Form creator can see all issue field values in the form element preview (hide form element settings and see populated form elements options).

  4. Populate options with predefined Jira and Custom issue field values. Choose which predefined issue field values need to be populated in the selected form element options.

    1. Available issue fields: Issue Type, Priority, field with type like Select list (multiple choices), Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and similar predefined Custom fields.

    2. Not available issue fields: Labels, Assignee, Reporter, Group, Approver, Project, Components, Fix versions, Affects versions, Sprint, Security Level, Status, Linked Issues, Epic Link, Resolution and, and similar predefined Custom fields.

    3. If the project of the Jira issue field is selected in the settings, all options can be populated by the original order. Otherwise, you will have a maximum of 15 options.

  5. Form logic. Set up Form logic for options that were populated from the issue field.

Populate options from issue field feature collaborates with

  • Destination field. It gives the ability after forms submission to change values of Jira issue fields like Select List and similar that have predefined values or other issue fields to forms elements responses that were previously populated with options from the same Select List issue field. Read the instructions on how to set it up.

    • single choice form elements populated from the issue field are available for single and multi choice predefined Jira issue field and issue fields with type labels and the same type that was populated in the option (example of field type: text, date, number). So, the form element that was populated with options of Priority issue field can change the value in the existing issue of Priority issue field or Label issue field or Text issue type (Summary, Description, etc). Number type populated options are always is equal only to themselves or other Number issue fields.

    • multi choice form elements populated from the issue field are available for multi choice predefined Jira issue field and issue fields with type labels.

  • Create an issue. It gives the ability after forms submission to create a new Jira issue with values of Jira issue fields like Select List and similar that have predefined values or other issue fields based on forms elements responses that were previously populated with options from the same Select List issue field. Read the instructions on how to set it up.

    • single choice form elements populated from the issue field are available for single and multi choice predefined Jira issue field and issue fields with type labels and the same type that was populated in the option (example of field type: text, date, number). So, the form element that was populated with options of Priority issue field can become the value in the new issue of Priority issue field or Label issue field or Text issue type (Summary, Description, etc). Number type populated options are always is equal only to themselves or other Number issue fields.

    • multi choice form elements populated from the issue field are available for multi choice predefined Jira issue field and issue fields with type labels.

Security note!

Forms elements can be populated with predefinded Jira issue fields from private projects.

If a form element is populated with an issue field from a private project, users without access to the private project but with form editing permissions can view the values of this field and the project name. Users filling out the form inside or outside Jira can only see the values of this field. Additionally, these settings cannot be added but can be modified by users without permission to the private project.

Instruction on how to populate options from the issue field

  1. Open the Smart Jira Forms add-on. Create a new form or use an existing one.

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 14.07.35.png

  2. On available for Populate options from the issue field element (RF. Characteristics) click on the Edit icon and open the element settings. Find the Populate options from the issue field and press it.

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 14.08.02.png
  3. After that, the add-on will move you to the Setting tab and open the Populate options settings. Choose what values of the issue field you want to populate in the form element options. Alternatively, you can also configure the "Populate options" by adding all necessary form elements first and then configuring them within the "Settings" tab.

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 14.11.34.png
  4. Go to the Build tab and see that all the values of the previously selected issue field are in the element's form selection options. Now you can save all changes and start conveniently spreading form.

All populated form elements are accompanied by icons indicating the Jira field they are associated with.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 14.11.47.png

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