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Time in Status Integration

To install Time in Status on your monday board, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Click the Integrate option to open the Integration Center with a full list of monday apps.

Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 22.47.31.png
  1. Write down “Time in Status” in the search field and click the Use template icon at the bottom of the page to choose it.

Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 22.50.44.png
  1. Click Authorize on the bottom

    Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 22.57.57.png

  2. Select the “Status” option from the drop-down list. Click the “Create automation” button. 

Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 23.00.33.png

  1. After this you will see new automation in your Manage board automation menu

Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 23.01.50.png
  1. Reload the page to get the renewed correct data.

  1. Go to the board with all the generated data.

Знімок екрана 2024-09-18 о 23.18.42.png

(lightbulb) Use cases for Integration (Time in Status columns)

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

Haven't used this add-on yet? Try it now >>> Time in Status app for

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