Calendar Configuration for Time in Status Data Center
To display the report correctly, the Time in Status needs information on the working hours. To do this, you need to set up your Calendars.
Manage Calendars
Click the button Calendars to open the configuration menu.

Go to Add New Calendar and create a new setting or edit, copy, and delete existing ones.

After clicking the Add New Calendar button, you can choose:
the amount of working days per week;
time zone;
the amount of working hours per day;
every day breaks;
the days when your team is on holidays;
Also, you can add a name to each calendar.
After all the changes are made, don't forget to save them.

The time, that has been spent on issue in each status will be calculated according to the calendar.
If you need help or ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at
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