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Get started and configure Time Between Statuses app for Data Сenter

Learn more about all the features of the app Time Between Statuses.


Find the installed Time Between Statuses add-on below the Jira settings menu and click on it to open the add-on.

Click on a gear in the top right corner to open the Configuration manager.


1. Manage Work Schedule

Click Work Schedule in the configuration manager to manage your work schedule for your team. 


There, you can choose working days, time zones, working hours, breaks, and holidays.


The time that issues have been spent between statuses will be calculated according to your work schedule settings.

2. Add a new status group

While you are in the configuration manager, you may as well add a status group.


After entering the status group manager, you can create and edit the group.

First, add a name to your group and select a project to monitor. Then, select statuses on which the timer should start and stop the calculation. You can also choose a status on which the timer should be on pause. After you customize your calculation preferences, set the Warning and Critical time limits.


This feature will help you to get the visual color tagging on issues to notify you when the time limits have been exceeded:

Warning time limit - yellow

Critical time limit - red

3. Choose a Time Format

Option Format lets you select the time format of status duration: h:m (hours:minutes), HM (Hours, Minutes), M (Minutes) or Decimal Hours.


All reports are available to export.


* Please note: In order to extract the data for analysis, please choose the Decimal Hours time format. This will enable you to perform calculations on the exported data and build charts.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through a SaaSJet Support or via email

Haven't used this add-on yet, then try it now !

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