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How to cancel a subscription and uninstall an app

Subscription Cancellation Notice

After you send a request to cancel a subscription, it is scheduled to be canceled at the end of your current billing cycle. This is due to Atlassian's new improved billing experience.

What to expect:

  • Full access until the end of the billing cycle:  You will continue to have full access to all features of your app until the end of your current billing cycle.

  • Uninstall after cancellation:  You can uninstall an app after it has been canceled.

Who can do this?

To cancel a subscription:

  1. Go to Select your billing account if you have more than one.

  2. Select Subscriptions, find the subscription you want to cancel, and select Manage.

  3. Select more actions > Cancel subscription, then review and confirm your cancellation.


You will continue to have access to the app until the end of the billing cycle.

  1. After an app has been canceled, you can uninstall it from Apps > Manage apps.

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