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Chart for Dynamic Status Change

Monitor status updates in the bar graph view. You'll get the number of issues for each day of the particular Sprint in a certain status. So, you will see how your team is progressing during the Sprint.

When users enter the Chart view, they can see the last closed or current Sprint.

Steps to display chart report

  1. Switch on the chart icon.

  2. Select the required Sprint.


If you have to lay out more than 15 columns, use horizontal scrolling.

How to read the chart report

This report helps to overview the progress your team has demonstrated. The ideal picture is when all issues are in “To Do” on the first day, the further you go the fewer issues should be in the first statuses (“To Do”, “In Progress”, etc.) and more in “Done”. Try to achieve all issues in “Done” on the last day of Sprint.

Data Export

You can export the data from the grid as a PNG or SVG file. You can download a report for a period no longer than 3 months.


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