Form Responses Report
Responses Tab is a summary report page that presents a comprehensive overview of respondents' answers across forms. This feature offers a centralized platform for streamlined data analysis, empowering users to explore all responses to every question form effortlessly.
Key abilities:
Summarized Data Visualization: View aggregated response data with intuitive charts and tables for efficient analysis and decision-making. Analyze the distribution of answers for each question to better understand respondent behavior.
Form Respondent Filter: Sort responses by users and review individual respondents' answers, enhancing your data exploration experience.
Data Export Options: Export all responses to Excel or PDF for easy reporting and external analysis workflows.
External user responses are not personalized by default. To track individual respondents, create a specific question in the form or use a setting of form filling access: verified in the Jira instance.
Some rules:
If there are no responses, the Responses tab is disabled and labeled as "Responses 0."
Attachments are displayed alongside responses in a carousel format. If no files were uploaded, the message "No files were uploaded" is shown. Attachments from external shared forms are not displayed as there's no storage available. However, if external + create is selected, they are displayed. Deleted attachments are shown without a preview, and the download button is disabled.
Dropdowns, radio buttons, and to-do items are visualized as pie charts, while multiple-choice elements and checkboxes are represented as column charts. Content elements are displayed as usual, and other input elements are tabulated.
Respondents List comprises both Jira users and external users. A submission count label is displayed if a Jira user fills out the form multiple times.
Deleted form elements and their responses are retained on the Responses tab, marked as "Deleted" and go to the end of the tab. New form elements and their responses are added in the same place as in the builder.
Changes to form element labels are reflected on the Response tab. Modified options update responses accordingly, preserving original response counts. Deleted options are moved to the end of the list.
Unfilled responses are recorded as "n/a" under the respective question, included in the total response count, and listed at the beginning.
Form-Associated Issues allows you to view all issues containing forms with completed answers, simplifying the tracking and management of form responses across multiple issues. It works for submitted forms that were manually or automatically added to the issue and for forms that created issues and had form answers inside. Click on the JQL link and see all related issues with forms answers in the Jira issue list.

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