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Embedding Forms: A Guide for Confluence

Empower your team to create Jira issues directly within Confluence pages!

Here's how to easily embed Smart Forms for Jira using an iframe:

  1. Generate an External Link:

  • Within Smart Forms for Jira, access the form you want to embed.

  • Go to the "Setting" tab and select "Share Form"

  • Copy the generated link.

    Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 20.25.25.png

  1. Create an iframe in Confluence:

  • Edit the Confluence page where you want to embed the form.

  • Click the "Insert" dropdown menu and select "iframe."

    Знімок екрана 2024-02-19 о 11.21.37.png
  • Paste the Smart Forms for Jira external link into the URL field.

    Знімок екрана 2024-02-19 о 11.22.40.png
  1. Adjust the size:

  • Set the width and height values to ensure proper display

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