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The number of users in your Monday account determines how much you pay for apps. For example, you pay for a tier of 20 users if you have 20 users in your Monday account. Technically, the app is available across the entire Monday instance. You can access the Time in Status app across all your boards.

Plan id

Plan name


Yearly (Save 6%)



up to 2 team members


$1/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to 2 team members.


up to 20 seats


$11/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to 20 team members.


up to 50 seats


$22/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to 50 team members.


up to 100 seats


$31/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to 100 team members.


up to 200 seats


$58/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to 200 team members.


more then 200 seats


$79/month (billed yearly)

Use the app without any limitations for up to Unlimited team members.

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