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Displaying the Last Comment in Filters and JQL

πŸ“ Context: Monitoring the last comment added to an issue is crucial for Jira users who need to track who added the comment and when. This guide provides a step-by-step process to set up a custom field to display the last comment on an issue.

πŸ€” User Problem: Jira users need to monitor the last comment added to an issue to track who added it and when. This information is essential for maintaining transparency and accountability within the team.

Do you want to monitor the last comment added to the issue? If you're a Jira user and it’s essential for you to get to know who and when has added the last comment, follow this short step-by-step guide.

Step 1

First of all, you need to create a new custom field in the project for every Issue type. Type the name β€œLast Comment” for a custom field and choose the β€œParagraph” type (as it is displayed in the screenshots below).

Note: You should perform a step with adding a Custom field for each Issue Type (in our case these are e.g. Bug, Task, and Story as it's shown on  the screenshot)

Step 2

Then start the Automation process. Here’s what you should do:

Go to Project -> Setting-> Apps-> Project Automation -> Create rule

You can start when the Issue is Commented on and edit a custom field with the latest Comment.


  1. Last Comment (highlighted in red color)  is a field name. If you name your field differently, please, specify the correct field name there. 

  2. You can format the text template based on which the message will be formed (highlighted in yellow). Copy the pattern from the example and  mention the author of the comment: [~accountid:{{}}] and display the text of a comment - {{issue.comments.last.body}}

Look at the screenshot below to get a clear view of how to do that properly.


Step 3

Go to JQL or native search, or any add-on.

 (for example Time in Status) -> Columns -> Select Last Comment field

As a result, you will see the custom field you have created with the latest value.


πŸ“ˆ Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Transparency: Easily track who added the last comment and when.

  • Improved Accountability: Ensure team members are accountable for their comments and actions.

  • Streamlined Communication: Quickly identify the latest updates and discussions on issues.

  • Efficient Monitoring: Automating updates the custom field, reducing manual effort.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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