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💡Use Case: How to create invoices from Jira worklogs

If your company offers services to other organizations, you may have encountered challenges providing accurate and transparent reporting. Clients expect transparency in all projects, which can be complex considering each project's varying sizes, approaches, team members, durations, and budgets. If your business model is based on allocated hours, and you send monthly invoices detailing hours, rates, and totals, the Time & Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud can be a valuable tool to ensure transparent reporting. This add-on helps you streamline the reporting process, making presenting project costs clearly and transparently to your clients easier.

First of all - install the app from Atlassian Marketplace.

Second. Set the internal and external (billing) rates for every team member that works with clients.

Third. Make a Jira filter for a scope that will be monitored regularly—for example, some project names or lists of people.

Fourth. Navigate to the Cost Report section and Generate a report with the Revenue tracking option.

To generate the invoice, specify the billing period's start and end dates. The system will then retrieve all work logs for that period and calculate the costs by multiplying the hours logged with their respective rates. This process ensures an accurate and straightforward invoicing system.

Fifth. Once the report is generated, in the scope section, you see how much the total scope cost is. The numbers are based on the internal rate.

In the team section, you will find the list of all people who reported their time to the selected scope during the period in question.

You can easily edit the billable hour column to cover some specific cases that had a place in the reporting period. Once you are happy with the numbers, you can complete the report and send it to the client.

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