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Get started with Atlassian Marketplace Insights

Atlassian Marketplace Insights is a conversational interface that allows you to interact with a powerful language model naturally and intuitively. Simply type your queries, prompts, or conversation starters, and Atlassian Marketplace Insights will provide thorough and insightful responses about the performance, trends, and competitive analysis of Atlassian add-ons. Whether you're seeking reports, charts, or simply answers, harness the AI's capabilities to dive deeper into Atlassian add-ons analytics.

Getting Started

  1. Access Atlassian Marketplace Insights: Get access to Atlassian Marketplace Insights by filling out the request form and we will provide you with the link by email.

Note. Atlassian Marketplace Insights is available only for paid GPTChat users.

  1. Initiate a Conversation: Once you've accessed Atlassian Marketplace Insights, you'll be given a chat window. Here's where the magic begins! Type in your first message and press enter. This could be a question, a statement, or a conversation starter offered at the beginning to get things moving.

  2. Engage and Explore: Atlassian Marketplace Insights will respond to your message, initiating a conversation. Feel free to ask follow-up questions, provide additional context, or steer the conversation in a new direction. The more information you provide, the more tailored and informative Atlassian Marketplace Insights's responses will become.

Note. For a deeper dive and better understanding of what information Atlassian Marketplace Insights knows, refer to the Atlassian Marketplace Data Entities Knowledge.


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Questions? Just email us to get an answer at

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