How to review team/user activity for Jira issues
With Issue History for Jira, you can track changes made by a specific user, several users, or by the whole team. So, let’s look at the options you have.
To see changes made by particular users/users, use the Updated by option. It is available on all views the app provides.
🟢 User activity report | Table View
Table View shows the field changes in columns. You can add the ones where you want to track changes.

How does it work?
Filter issues by project, sprint, assignee, etc.
Select a user/several users to get the activity report.
Choose the date range.
Add any standard or custom field where you want to see changes.


🟢 User activity report | Activity View
Activity view presents changes made to the fields in rows like a stream or flow of activities.

How does it work?
Filter issues by project, sprint, assignee, etc.
Select a user/several users to get the activity report.
Select the time for updates within the last # days.
Select the field/fields for which you want to monitor changes.

🟢 User activity report | Single Issue Tab
You can also find Issue History under the Activity section when opening each issue.

Use the Updated by menu, type in the name, or select the person you need from the drop-down list.

🟢 User activity report | Gadget on the Jira Dashboard
Add Activities | Issue History gadget to your dashboard.

Choose a user/users that have made updates.

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