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Issue Creator for Jira Cloud - Capture screen&Annotate extension for Chrome Browser

👋Hi, welcome to Issue Creator for Jira Cloud - Capture screen&Annotate!

Introducing an incredibly efficient application to streamline bug reporting and high-level task descriptions within any Jira project. This powerful tool lets users capture screenshots, add annotations, and seamlessly operate with webpage elements. 

The app from the Atlassian Marketplace is the basis for functioning. Next, for its complete work, you must install the connector application for your Chrome browser - Installing from Chrome Web store.


🚀How to create high-quality bug reports and informative tasks in Jira?

Bug Reporting and Enhance Issue Management in Jira

Discover the power of Issue Creator, a revolutionary tool that enables you to create issues from Confluence effortlessly, convert webpages into tasks within Jira, and generate real-time bug reports. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, Issue Creator can provide real-time summaries of your issues by analyzing their descriptions. Boost your productivity and efficiency with Issue Creator's intelligent solutions.

Effortlessly Capture and Annotate Screenshots with Ease

Meeting the ultimate screen capture tool for Jira, offering unparalleled convenience. Capture and instantly send screenshots directly to Jira without saving them on your computer. Enhance your screenshots with additional contexts, such as text, paint elements, markers, highlights, etc. Streamline your bug reporting and task documentation process with this powerful tool.

Interact with Webpage Elements for Enhanced Efficiency

Using our powerful tool, unlock seamless web page editing and integration with Jira tasks. Effortlessly edit web pages and send the corrected versions directly to your Jira tasks. Modify text, copy HTML elements, and seamlessly paste them into any other page area. Take productivity to the next level by linking webpage elements directly to your Jira issues. Experience the ease and efficiency of operating with webpage elements like never before.

Compatible with All Jira Projects for Universal Integration

Enjoy unparalleled versatility with our extension, which seamlessly supports task creation in all Jira project types. Whether you're using Jira Software, Jira Work Management, Jira Service Management, or Jira Product Discovery, our extension ensures universal compatibility. Experience the convenience of creating tasks effortlessly, regardless of the Jira project you're working on.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact SaaSJet Support or email us at

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