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Export to PDF or print empty Form

Due to work of the browser PDF this feature is available only for small forms.

If you want us to implement this feature in add-on please contact SaaSJet Support.

If you want to export the form to PDF you can use our life hack in the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Smart Jira Forms add-on and select the needed form.

  2. In the Setting tab click the Share form button, Generate the URL, and copy it.

    Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 20.18.01.png
  3. Open a new tab in the browser and enter the URL. Then press the right mouse button, click Print, and save as PDF.

  4. Now you can fill out the form by hand.

Questions? Please, contact us through SaaSJet Support 

Haven't used this add-on yet, then try it now!

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