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Custom message after form submission

Custom message after form submission empowers you to craft a personalized message for users who fill out the form. Upon completing the form, this message is displayed to users, providing a tailored experience and enhancing user engagement. In this message you can thank respondents for their feedback, provide further instructions, or offer additional resources, creating a more positive user experience.

Instruction on how to customize the theme

  1. Open the Smart Jira Forms add-on. Create a new form or use an existing one.

  2. Go to the Setting Tab, click the Message after form submission button, and write prefer text.

    Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 15.52.51.png
  3. Then click the Share form button, and generate a public URL to the form. Copy and provide the URL directly to people who should fill and submit it. The view of the form that would see the recipient is provided on the gif below.

Questions? Please, contact us through SaaSJet Support 

If you haven't used this add-on yet, then try it now!

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