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Automatically assign a newly created issue based on specific conditions (Smart Forms for Jira + Jira Automation)

This guide details the steps for integrating Smart Forms for Jira and Jira Automation to enhance management capabilities and streamline teammate assignments. With this integration, you can effortlessly generate Jira issues from submitted forms and automatically assign them to the responsible user based on specific conditions. The following instructions guide you through setting up a Jira Automation rule for the automatic assignment of newly created issues.


Before proceeding with the integration, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Access to Smart Forms for Jira add-on

  • Access to Jira project settings to set up Jira Automation for it. The project where issues will be created from submitted forms

  • Basic familiarity with Jira Automation and Smart Forms for Jira functionalities.

Instruction on how to integrate automatic assignment of newly created issues

  1. Creating a Form in Smart Jira Form Add-on:

    1. Open the Smart Jira Form add-on, create a new form, or use an existing one.

    2. Click on the form element’s Edit icon, open the element settings, and find the Populate options from the issue field. After that, the add-on will move you to the Setting tab and open the Populate options settings. Choose the values of the issue field you want to populate in the form element options. For example, Labels. Read more. Also, add a label to the Dropdown element - "What segment do you fall under?".

    3. Go to the Setting tab and select "Create Issue". Connect the form element "What segment do you fall under?" with an existing custom field, for example, Labels. Then configure other issue fields with connection to form elements according to your requirements. The add-on will automatically populate your Jira field with the form element response - this is a trigger for the automation Read more.

  2. Creating a Jira Automation rule:

    1. Go to the Project - Project settings - Automation.

    2. Create rule:

      1. When: Issue is created

      2. If: creator is one of Smart Forms for Jira

      3. IF, ELSE

        1. IF: matches/ JQL query: labels in (Experience)
          Then: Assign the issue to: *Select a particular Jira_user1*

        2. Else-if: matches/ JQL query: labels in (Operator)
          Then: Assign the issue to: *Select a particular Jira_user2*


          unnamed (1).png
  3. Upon form submission and the subsequent issue creation, the assignment will be tailored to the responsible user according to your specifications.

    unnamed (2).png

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